

Kokie pagrindiniai projekto etapai?

svetainiu parduotuviu kurimas

FUNCTIONALITY We find out what the purpose of the website will be, who your main customers are, what features will be needed. NAME You purchase or we help you purchase the name of your website (e.g. www.svetaine.lt approx. 1-10 EUR/year) and hosting (server 2-5 EUR/month). DESIGN You choose a design you like and specify...

Why is it dangerous to sell only on Facebook or Instogram?

computer telephone

Facebook shops and boutiques are particularly popular in Lithuania, selling goods ranging from home-grown vegetables to furniture and services. This business model is simple, but there are some problems: a Facebook shop alone does not give you a presentable and distinctive look, as...

What is WordPress?


A common question is: what is WordPress? What is WordPress used for? "More than a third of the world's websites are based on WordPress. From personal bloggers to large corporations, this powerful web development and content management system is the go-to template for creating websites...