Kokie pagrindiniai projekto etapai?


We find out what the purpose of the website will be, who are your main customers, what functions will be needed.


You buy or we help you to buy your websites name (eg www.svetaine.lt about 1-10 EUR/year) and hosting (server 2-5 EUR/month).


You choose the design you like and indicate what corrections will be needed.


Pasirašome sutartį su sąmata, tiksliai žinosite, ką užsakote ir kiek tai kainuoja


At the same time, we check together whether everything is done according to your wishes, we make the necessary minimal corrections


We train how to create information, add goods, how to set additional functions when necessary


Galite patikėti svetainės valdymą mums, tada Jums nebereikės jaudintis, kad „kažką sugadinsite”


If you need help or additional functions later, we advise you on how to do it or we do it for you

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